B&W headshot of company owner Joseph Hammond-Hagan

I help my clients to make minuscule shifts that can change everything.

What I think you want to know about me…

Joseph Hammond-Hagan runs a mind and body consultancy for current and future leaders, high-achievers. He is based in London and works in-person and remotely.

Highly-successful people – who you would assume don't need a coach – are the ones who call Joseph. His clients have included film and theatre directors and producers, CEOs, serial entrepreneurs, PhDs and Harvard Business School alumni. 

Before setting up his consultancy, Joseph worked in digital marketing, managing multi-million-pound budgets for FTSE100 high street retailers.

A sociologist, photographer, and therapist by training, Joseph has a background in psychology and traditional healing arts. He has lived and worked in five countries and on three continents. Born in London, England, he's a fair-weather inline skater. When not hurtling around on 8 wheels, he can be found with a film camera in his hands. 

What I want you to know about me…

My name is Joseph Samson Hammond-Hagan. I've suffered from depression. I've been bullied. I've struggled financially. I've been fired. I've grappled with suicidal thoughts.

I've also coached and treated clients who've lost children; had life-threatening illnesses - some of whom lost their battle. In addition, I've worked with clients who've suffered from burnout, anxiety and stress, had miscarriages, been abused, and been assaulted. I have also been a mentor, a leader, a coach and an advisor to high-level leaders for almost 10 years. 

I've faced challenges throughout my life, and despite this, I've coached and treated people through life-changing experiences. And I'm mindful of the personal challenges of elite clients - they are no different to the challenges we all face.

I am fascinated by the function of our minds and bodies and the connectivity between the two.

As a student of consciousness and form, I am intrigued by this question: How do tiny changes in thought make for absolute differences in outcome?

Scientific research has shown there is only a 0.1% difference in the genetic make-up of all humans. So when it comes to high-achievers, it's the tiny shift in perspective that separates them from everyone else.

The ability to think and see the world differently creates an extraordinary impact for those achieving at elite levels.

Bodywork and inner work are powerful and impactful. I understand the importance of mastering the physical side of things when most people pay attention to mindset and vice versa. I bring mind and bodywork together in a compelling way. And I help my clients to make the minuscule shifts that can change everything.

Click on the links below to find out more and to book your session.