How I Came to Traditional Thai Massage?

My understanding of Traditional Thai Massage and Bodywork has developed and changed. As I have studied more, I have discovered that Thai massage is so much more than just a sequence, thumbing “energy” lines and deep stretches. Most of these aspects don’t apply to the true performance of a Thai treatment. There is so much more beyond all of this. 

I first studied Thai Massage over 20 years ago. Prior to this time, I had received different bodywork treatments, and despite the skill of the therapist, I always came away feeling that something was missing. Sometimes my feet were missed, other times, my head, or it would be my hands. Other times, it would feel as if I was having moisturiser applied - the feeling of having a wonderful massage oil rubbed into the skin is incredible. I prefer deep pressure, so being lightly stroked isn’t my thing.

My friend, who eventually became my teacher, was herself an aspiring Thai Massage therapist and had visited the country many times. She invited me to have a treatment with her but I declined, due to my previous experiences. After a few weeks, I relented and opted to have treatment; it took me into another world. It was one of the most incredible massages I’d had. I left feeling rejuvenated and light. It was after this treatment that I decided that I needed to learn what this magic of Thai Yoga Massage was.

I'm still learning; still studying. I'm soon to start a new course with my teacher, Natasha de Grunwald, later this month. It will mean that I'll have additional tools to call on to help you heal your body.

If you want to find out more, and how we can work together, feel free to email me


Two Certainties In Life


Five Days, Five Ways