Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a holistic healing body method that works on the body's soft connective tissue (fascia). Bowen is used to treat various ailments, including musculoskeletal or other related neurological problems, acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions, and stress or anxiety.

Bowen therapy is performed on the superficial and deep fascia. The fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds, separates and affects every organ and tissue in the body.

The Bowen technique is safe to use on anyone, from babies to boomers and beyond. It is particularly beneficial for any musculoskeletal or related neuromuscular complaint. It is a holistic treatment that treats the whole person and aims to treat the cause of problems instead of the symptoms.

A Bowen session consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific point on the body. The treatment is pleasant – the therapist will use light, cross-fibre movements of muscle, tendon or ligament without using force.

A treatment will last between 30 minutes and one hour. It will include a full consultation to determine a treatment plan and record progress. Bowen is given through a layer of light clothing, so it's advisable not to wear anything thick or heavy. During your treatment, the therapist will give your body breaks, leaving the room for two to five minutes at a time. The breaks allow your body to respond to the treatment and allow for any necessary changes before beginning the following sequence of moves.

Bowen is not necessarily an ongoing therapy. You may notice some relief after just the first session. You may also experience significant resolution or recovery within three sessions. We recommend starting with three sessions, ideally over three weeks.

Chronic or long-standing issues or a repeat injury may require additional treatments. If symptoms persist, you should consult your doctor.

While you're receiving Bowen treatments, we recommend not having any other physical therapy or other forms of manipulation. Therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, or physiotherapy, should be avoided for one week after the treatment, whilst your body adjusts to the treatment.

Contact us below to discuss your bespoke treatment plan, or click here to book a treatment.

We also offer Bowen Therapy and Sound Healing through our partner, The Sound Shift.

Separately, you can book a time to speak with Joseph about moving to your next level or mission in life.