Transformational Coaching

The Power Of 1 Degree

There is a practice in air navigation known as the 1 in 60 rule. For every 1 degree, a plane deviates from its course, it misses its destination by 1 mile for every 60 miles flown. Therefore, the further you travel, the further you'll be from your destination. 

Being off course by just one degree, you'll miss your target by 0.2 inches after one foot. It doesn't sound like much. However...

  • After 100 yards, you're off by 5.2 feet. It's not a great deal, but it's noticeable.

  • After a mile, you're off by 92.2 feet. One degree is beginning to make a difference.

  • If you drift off course by 1 degree flying around the equator, you will land almost 500 miles off target!

The point is this: tiny actions amassed over time will have a considerable impact. What you decide in this very moment to change how you think or feel can alter the trajectory of your life.

There is no agenda that we follow - you are the agenda. So you come with whatever you’re dealing with at that moment and two minds and two pairs of eyes focused on creating a transformation.

There are no models to follow. You get to colour outside of the lines. You and I will deeply explore what inspires, motivates, and drives you. We’ll discover what drains and no longer serves you so that you can spend more time playing in your zone of genius.

What This Is:

  • An opportunity. Transform your thinking. Everything starts from a thought.

  • An open forum. Speak your mind and be yourself. There is no judgement.

  • Coaching. An open approach to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. I’ll be your coach, advisor, consultant, mentor - as and when you need me to be.

My method is simple - to create a judgment-free environment where you can courageously examine your inner landscape so we can redraw your map towards fulfilment. This is not about quick fixes or borrowed strategies but co-designing bespoke solutions aligned with your distinct passions and gifts.

In our sessions, expect my full presence, radical candidness and tactical frameworks to translate your goals into measurable milestones. I will bring compassion, accountability, encouragement, honesty, and support paired with the willingness to challenge you constructively.

My commitment is to illuminate the path forward rather than sugarcoat the obstacles. Progress won't always be linear, but I will be there to celebrate each win while analysing the setbacks as data points.

I take a solutions-oriented approach, equipping you with the mindset shifts and practical tools to actualise your grandest vision. But the fuel for the journey must come from within you. My role is to fan the flames of your inner wisdom and drive, keeping you oriented towards the ever-emerging you.

If this resonates, let's explore working together. I'm selective with my clientele, as transformation requires intimacy, trust and rapport. But for the right fit, incredible breakthroughs await.

Is coaching the right path for your next level? 20 minutes and 6 questions to find out.

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